THE SEARCH IS ON! Baby & Family Awards 2013 - ParentPreneur of the Year!

ParentPreneurs are the modern day moms and dads who have successfully balanced parenthood and their role as an entrepreneur through hard work and dedication.

On December 6 - 8 , the very first Baby & Family Expo Philippines 2013 at the SMX Manila, Mall of Asia Complex Pasay City we will be honoring ParentPreneurs, not just mompreneurs but also dadpreneurs. 

To qualify as a ParentPreneur nominee:
•   Owns and operates a registered and active business, may be a founder or co-founder along with his/her partner(s) and has been involved in the business conceptualization and building for at least one year from January 2012.
•    Can be home, office, web or mall-based, as long as it is a mom/dad-founded enterprise.
•    Responsible for the day-to-day operations of the business / company.
•    Has successfully managed parenthood and being a hands-on entrepreneur.
Nomination Guidelines:
1.   Go to the Baby & Family Expo Philippines 2013 website and proceed to the Baby & Family Awards page, then to ParentPreneur Awards.
2.    Fill up the form – Name of the nominee, Company / Business Name, Category, Why does
he/she deserve to be called a mompreneur / dadpreneur in this category (1 paragraph, min: 3
sentences; max: 5 sentences), Links and references of the ParentPreneur and business.
3.    Submit and you’re done!
How to nominate:
•    A ParentPreneur may be classified in only one of the following categories:
1. The Breakthrough ParentPreneur – someone who has successfully started a business and has created the biggest impact and buzz in a span of one year. The business must not be more than 2 years old and not less than 1 year old since establishment.
2. The Innovator – someone who has remarkably created the most innovative and creative product or business idea in its field.
3. The Advocate – someone whose business has made and is making a difference in the country and has been strongly influencing and moving people with their advocacy.
4. The Digital Maven – someone who has notably established innovative and successful social media and digital strategies and campaigns for their own business.
5. ParentPreneur of the Year – honors the most outstanding ParentPreneur couple for 2013, this couple has been a role model to all aspiring couple entrepreneurs who has successfully balanced parenthood and entrepreneurship together.
     Nomination period will be from October 7 to 18.
    Incomplete nomination forms will not be accepted, the organizers also has the right to verify and conduct further research to confirm the validity of the information provided if
necessary. All information will be kept confidential.

Screening Guidelines:
    The business should not be less than 1 year old since establishment.
    All nomination forms are subject to evaluation and will be shortlisted by the organizers.
    The ratio of mompreneur and dadpreneur nominees will be based on the nominations
    Qualified nominees will be informed for confirmation before the voting period and will be asked to submit a valid DTI and or SEC articles of incorporation.
    Failure to comply with the guidelines and / or submit the needed requirements may result in disqualification.
     The official list of ParentPreneur nominees will be announced and launched on October 21, indicating the start of the voting period at the Baby & Family Expo Philippines 2013 website.

How to vote:
1.    Go to the Baby & Family Expo Philippines 2013 website and proceed to the Baby & Family Awards tab and click the ParentPreneur Awards where the nominees’ profile can be seen.
2.    Vote by clicking any of the social media buttons found on top of the nominee’s profile and you’re done! Multiple voting is allowed.
3.    Voting period will be from October 21 to November 22 at the Baby & Family Expo Philippines 2013 Website.
4.    Only one dadpreneur or mompreneur will win per category based on the criteria which includes 20% of online votes. For the ParentPreneur of the Year, only one couple will be awarded.


Business idea innovation and creativity          - 40%
Management and Leadership Skills               - 30%
Impact on community                                    - 10%
Online Votes                                                  - 20%
Total                                                          - 100%e entrepreneurs who has successfully balanced parenthood and entrepreneurship together.

•     A total of five winners will be announced and contacted on November, a month before the expo.

    The ParentPreneur Awards will happen at the Baby & Family Awards, to be held on the last day of the Baby & Family Expo Philippines 2013 – Sunday, December 08.

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